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The Jam Studio

rehearsal music studio

Half rehearsal studio, half's the ultimate man-cave. The place we go to escape the day and be with our motley collection of studio guitars, baritones, basses, pianos, keyboards and drum kits (and also the barbells and landmines)!

The Studio Lounge

studio lounge

In here it's all about chilling and taking a break from the grind. The place to go to unwind or to throw something on the TV and take a load off...

The Sound Studio
(Red Devil Lounge)

Recording studio sound mixing mastering vocals acoustic guitars

This is the place where all the action happens during open-air recording, mixing and mastering. We spend many a night in here each week burning the pre-dawn oil. This studio is nicknamed after the now long-shuttered, Red Devil Lounge, in San Francisco, where DPE played a few "memorable" gigs...

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